Post support to CT Sewell Elementary - See photos in our Gallery.
February 2025 - We delivered 600 popsicles to support improving attendance. The incentive program awards classes a Popsicle Party for improved attendance numbers.
After Thanksgiving and through Dec. 11th, the Post ran its annual toy drive for CT Sewell Elementary. We collected and delivered over $3,500 worth of toys, STEM activities, games, and sports equipment which we delivered on Dec. 13th, 2024.
During the summer and fall, the post focused on collecting school supplies. With your support and donations, we provided more than $4,500 worth of school supplies, clothing and toiletries to the school as of November 2024.
In April 2024, the Post donated 800 popsicles to support improving attendance at CT Sewell Elementary. Attendance had been poor, so the school started a program for the classrooms to focus on and track their attendance with the goal to improve attendance or reach 100%. Their reward for reaching their goals was a Popsicle Party!
In March 2024, the Post donated more than 50 recorders (musical instruments) to the school so each child could have their own to use during music class.